The recent history debacle comes as no surprise really. History, as we know, is a very important subject in school, more so than Mathematics, Science, English, etc. It really helps one to be a successful person in life. (Okay, who are we trying to kid here?) Some do in fact, think Malaysians are not smart enough to realise this. Those people might be able to get away with some things everytime, but personally, I think one cannot get away with everything, everytime. It is impossible.
Realistically, History as a subject, is important, to a certain extent. A student can learn about the past, analyse the issue from every aspect, and also take steps to make sure the problem does not happen again. History is sometimes, among students, read as a story book. (Some have the opinion that this helps them understand better). Previously, the syllabus contained the history of the world and was really interesting and useful. That part of it is still present in the current syllabus, but has been reduced to a drop in the bucket. It has been taken over by something totally different.
Nowadays, you learn more about Malaysian history and also religion, Islam to be precise. There are a touch of other religions (Christianity,Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucinism, Sikhism) but only introductory aspects of it. On the other hand, Islam is explained in depth, from the birth of it to the developing stages. And now, it is compulsory to learn it!!! There is nothing wrong of course for anyone to learn about another religion, but why force them?
The Education Minister is not to be blamed for this, but he still plays a part in the current decision making. The History subject is part of education, so the buck stops with him. There is a big hoo-haa about the "1Malaysia" campaign brought forth by our fabulous PM, so is this the so-called 1Malaysia he is trying to portray? Some slogan he has there. So, it is obvious that the EM is not following the PM's wishes of 'promoting 1Malaysia'. Or is it just an eye-wash to maybe, get votes for the upcoming GE? Up to you to decide.
There is no problem in making this a compulsory subject. If all the religions are put in, then I am sure this won't be an issue at all. But that will never happen will it, because in their eyes, other religions are JAHIL. Translated, it means pagan (Referring to a person who is extremely ignorant and disbelieves in God. Often used to describe the people of the era that preceded the revelation of the Qur'an, and the ignorant in general.) That is the reason for the absence of Inter-religious dialogue in this country.
If that is a tough thing to accomplish, (addition of other religions into the History syllabus) then remove religion altogether from the history syllabus. In an ideal world, this might be able to happen, but nothing in this country is ideal is it? Or is it just me?
Also, the issue about the novel, Interlok. My oh my, outrageous isn't it? Mocking the Indians really, absolutely Ludacris. If there was something defaming the Malays, will it be even published in a novel in the first place? But this? Only when people made noise, then the EM said that the concerning part will be removed from the novel. Good job Mr EM, you have done yourself and your party a huge favour. I will not drag on but this is just crossing the line. There is a saying that one should know the limit and everytime, there is a certain point when you cannot cross 'that' line. But if a person crosses it too often, it will slowly disappear. That is exactly what has happened here.
All the time, we hear "1Malaysia" being shouted, especially on the tele (Malaysia Boleh has been somewhat forgotten, poor 'old man'), but here, we have something belittling it. Sadly, the decision has been made, but decisions are made to be reversed aren't they? Let's hope that people start to Wake Up and make a change. We need a change in this country. We may not know if the Opposition are good enough to run a country, (they cannot even run their own parties) but why not give them a chance? Let them have a go at trying to improve and bring up this country to where it belongs. This government has taken us for tonnes of roller coaster rides. Najib & Co, its time to pack up I guess.
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