
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reforms In Need in Malaysia, Starting with 'Agents of the Law'

2012. It is coming to an end, I mean the year, not the world though it wouldn't surprise me one bit. However, are the curtains drawing to a close on another government and the dawn of a new are? OR are things going to remain the SAME without any change/improvement whatsoever?

That, ladies and gentlemen, can only be decided in the upcoming general elections which till today have not been called which leaves all but the best part of 5 months from now till April when a new one will HAVE to be called. This country is in need of many things all of which are a necessity and by no means an understatement. That begs the question as to what changes or reformations need to be brought to the fore. Many things.

For instance, the structure of the 'agents of law' in this country, i.e the men in blue, rather fondly known as 'abang korup', translated literally it would carry the meaning of 'corrupt brother'. 156, yes one hundred and fifty six people have LOST THEIR LIVES in the custody of either the PolisDiRajaMalaysia (PDRM) or the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. Now if memory serves me right, being in lock-up is supposed to be one of the safest, if not safest places to be in the world today as it is, again SUPPOSED to be watched by police at is is under their care. HOWEVER, the figure aforementioned is only from the year 2000-2011. Eleven years and 156 people have not seen the dawn of another morning. High profile cases include the now infamous duo of Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani (both deaths occurred while they were in custody of the MACC) while other cases which have Police Brutality written all over it are the deaths of Aminulrashid (14 year old boy 'machined-gunned' by the police) and also A. Kugan (said to be the biggest car thief in South East Asia at the time of his arrest but had anyone heard of him prior to his death?) There are other cases which have not been brought to the courts, some in the midst of doing so while many have given up before trying due to the fact of being aware that the tendency of the Malaysian 'Justice' System will take these cases lightly and a 'NotGuilty' verdict is more likely.

I can continue to roll out the statistics but the above is enough for the time being. The fact of the matter is, it is high time the people in this country realise the importance of a 'People-Led' government and not one run by instilling fear and 'authoritarian tactics'. The Separation of Powers in Malaysia which is printed beautifully on paper ceases to exist in the real world. Why? It is plainly down to the fact that one government has been in control and have not only bent the rules but gone against it more often than not! Are we going to sit back and watch the younger generation be subject to this 'namby-pamby' powers that be or do we actually want to make a change? As citizens, the time for change is not tomorrow, not next month, not the following elections but the time for change is and will always be TODAY. Like it or not, if today is allowed to past, change will not come people, it will never come. The ballot box is not the END of ones duty as a citizen. It is merely the start. Social awareness is necessary but also is social obligation. Are we really up for it?

Yours Truly,
Jay Jay Denis